Don’t be a creeper…

I wish I was lying when I say that the idea for this post came as I sat in a darkened car outside the boutique hotel One Direction were residing in, trying to convince myself that I was not as creepy as the teen girls sitting in the gutter and laden in 1D paraphernalia.

I had an epiphany people. There was a fine line of acceptability and I was pretty sure I had just crossed it.

creeperI am certain that the friend I was with will not end up married to Niall nor I, Liam (although it is perfectly acceptable to hope) and there is a big difference between fan and stalker. I was heading towards stalker and people THIS IS WHERE IT STOPS.

With the advent of social media some would argue that cyber stalking is almost as invasive as physical stalking (despite the whole being-in-their-personal-space thing) with access to intimate moments from all over the globe and just a click of a smartphone button standing between us and a celebrity in their all-together. I will admit that my shame is Pinterest. I always seem to lose hours just looking at memes and gifs of the same person over and over again. But looking and making a few pictures are harmless and by all means PIN AWAY but I can say fairly convincingly that I will probably never be found outside a celebrity’s hotel intentionally again (however I am all for chance meetings).

Hopefully all those teenage girls will follow suit and come to the realisation that the key to getting a boyfriend is not breathing down their neck or screaming in their faces. (Although I am eager to hear if being a creeper has worked for anyone before)

Now I don’t want you to think that this level of creeping is reserved for celebrities, I have seen it happen time and time again with real life crushes. It could be that cute guy that always works Saturday at your local supermarket or your brothers soccer team mate who you always manage to offer orange slices in a not so coincidental exchange.

No matter how much your friends convince you, it IS weird to go in every Saturday and line up in his line to buy a bottle of water, a candy bar or a lonesome apple. Trust me, he has noticed, and he has definitely noticed your friends standing a few metres away sniggering whilst trying to look innocently nonchalant. All I am suggesting is a little finesse wouldn’t go astray.

But sure, spend your afternoon checking out his twitter, facebook, vine, pinterest, myspace and whatever else the kids are using these days…just don’t mention this if you ever have a real conversation 🙂

Now, I don’t want to suggest any of you are unable to interact like a regular person but just incase here are a few opening lines:

Hello, How are you? – It is an oldie but a goodie.

How is your day going? – Good for when you have a checkout between you.

What have you been up to today? – Also another simple one but let’s be honest it is best to stick to the basics.

Finally, remember to LISTEN, as long as you are listening and not staring at the cute dimple that appears on his left cheek everytime he smiles you will do just fine.

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