Dessert for one – Baileys Choc Frappe

When it is a hot day outside and you want something cool and sweet to end your day, try this cocktail. Its ingredients are not too extravagant and if you are like most of the single ladies that I know you usually have a bottle of baileys on hand. If not, it is relatively cheap to buy and if you are a fan of sweet, milky drinks you will love it. It is a chocolate milkshake but with a twist.


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Dessert for one: Single serve Painkiller cocktail


A friend made this cocktail for me the other night and it is delicious! Thought you guys might like to have a try at making it yourself.

The aptly named Painkiller has just the right amount of fruity sweetness and you probably have most of the ingredients in your cupboard.

I warn you that you may not be able to stop at one but if it’s a girls night, who ever really stops at one? 😉

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Quick Tip: Frozen grapes as ice cubes

grapesLooking for a way to keep your wine icey cold but not water it down with icky tap water ice cubes?

Freeze some grapes and use them instead. They don’t water down your drink and they look pretty too. Use green grapes for white wine and obviously red grapes for red wine (although usually you drink that room temperature but each to their own).

Grape ice cubes are also good for punches, juice and soft drink (or fizzy drink, pop or soda).