Dessert for one – Baileys Choc Frappe

When it is a hot day outside and you want something cool and sweet to end your day, try this cocktail. Its ingredients are not too extravagant and if you are like most of the single ladies that I know you usually have a bottle of baileys on hand. If not, it is relatively cheap to buy and if you are a fan of sweet, milky drinks you will love it. It is a chocolate milkshake but with a twist.


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Dessert for one: Single serve Painkiller cocktail


A friend made this cocktail for me the other night and it is delicious! Thought you guys might like to have a try at making it yourself.

The aptly named Painkiller has just the right amount of fruity sweetness and you probably have most of the ingredients in your cupboard.

I warn you that you may not be able to stop at one but if it’s a girls night, who ever really stops at one? 😉

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Dessert for One: Apple Crumble

crumbleIt’s cold and raining outside and you want something yummy for dessert but there is only week old fruit sitting in the bowl. We have definitely all been there before. It is not edible but you just can’t bring yourself to throw it out and waste it. Here is a recipe where you can use that old fruit (even when it is a little squishy). I quite enjoy this one because you can easily adapt it for more than one person – just add an extra piece of fruit!

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Desserts for One: Microwavable choc cake/brownie in a mug

Microwavable choc cake in a mugThe search for the perfect choc cake in a mug has taken me high and low but in our first post about cooking for one I will share with you the wicked recipe that I have settled on to get me through those craving crisis. We have all had one, you know what I’m talking about. When you get home and all you want is something sweet and you find yourself burrowing into the back of the bottom draw for what you thought was your emergency chocolate stash only to find it devoured with just crumbs as a reminder. Never fear. Here is your solution.

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