Rinse your bacon?

So if you are like most people that I know, and absolutely love bacon, here is a tip for you to stop each strip shrinking into a minuscule piece.Image

Rinse it in water. Yep folks it is that simple. Just run each bacon slice under water before cooking. Cooking in an oven also makes the bacon crispier but a pan on the stove is also doable. Just remember to flip the strips often often.

The easy way to eat a mandarin

How many times have you sat there and made a juicy, sticky mess while simply trying to eat a mandarin?

I have to admit that I usually avoid them because it takes too much time and trouble to peel all the skin and stringy bits off.

Well Sara over at JewelPie is officially a hero for figuring out a mess free way of consuming this citrus fruit. All you need is a knife and it is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Take a look.

35 Food tips and tricks that will change your life

I know we normally do one tip at a time but this post from BuzzFeed was too good not to share.
It lists off 35 tops food hacks that are very clever. My favourite would have to be number 14 because matching wine and cheese is a top priority for me. Also I would really like to try 16…mmmmm cookie dough. Take a look to understand what the hell I am talking about.

Check out our other food tips on our Pinterest.

Quick Tip: A little jam stuck in the bottom of the jar?

ImageYou know when there is that smudge of jam in the bottom corners of the jar and you just can’t get it out? Well Marissa McKellen over at Food in Jars has a great solution. 

Just add equal parts oil and vinegar as well as a little pepper and salt for seasoning and shake it like a Polaroid picture. 

And there you have a delicious fruity vinaigrette.