Jessie J – Sexy Lady

Something for all those single lades out there to remember – you’re a sexy lady.

A recently released single off Jessie J’s album Alive, Sexy Lady is a great follow up to the hit It’s My Party. Both are female anthems encouraging women to be proud of who they are. Take a listen, I guarantee you will find it really catchy.

35 Food tips and tricks that will change your life

I know we normally do one tip at a time but this post from BuzzFeed was too good not to share.
It lists off 35 tops food hacks that are very clever. My favourite would have to be number 14 because matching wine and cheese is a top priority for me. Also I would really like to try 16…mmmmm cookie dough. Take a look to understand what the hell I am talking about.

Check out our other food tips on our Pinterest.

Well this is uncomfortable…

Have you ever been in one of those encounters that has just been so incredibly awkward and made you so uncomfortable you wish you could disappear on the spot? Me too. Regularly. But I felt this latest one was particularly worth sharing because it involves work, trivia and embarrassment.

The other day my team and I went to a trivia night Christmas Party hosted by one of our clients. These nights are always pretty awkward to begin with as everyone seems to enjoy the free flow of alcohol a little too much and being in the industry we are, everybody loves to tell you about themselves and how wonderful they are. No more so than this guy who I am going to Call Mr X (because that is what you call creepy potential serial killers right?).

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Quote of the Week – George Clooney


I reckon he looks pretty happy…

“People always go, ‘Aren’t you afraid of being alone or dying alone?’ And I just go, ‘I’ve also been in relationships where I’ve been shockingly alone.’ I don’t agree with the idea that you have to have that or it’s a failed life.” – George Clooney

Dessert for one: Single serve Painkiller cocktail


A friend made this cocktail for me the other night and it is delicious! Thought you guys might like to have a try at making it yourself.

The aptly named Painkiller has just the right amount of fruity sweetness and you probably have most of the ingredients in your cupboard.

I warn you that you may not be able to stop at one but if it’s a girls night, who ever really stops at one? 😉

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Don’t Stink

It has come to my attention that we need to address a very serious issue here at Life of the Perpetually Single. Bathing. Apparently some people do not have great attention to their personal hygiene. According to statistics released this year, 33 per cent of British women revealed they don’t shower daily. By choice!

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Quick Tip: Frozen grapes as ice cubes

grapesLooking for a way to keep your wine icey cold but not water it down with icky tap water ice cubes?

Freeze some grapes and use them instead. They don’t water down your drink and they look pretty too. Use green grapes for white wine and obviously red grapes for red wine (although usually you drink that room temperature but each to their own).

Grape ice cubes are also good for punches, juice and soft drink (or fizzy drink, pop or soda).

Unattainable Crush of the Week: Henry Cavill

I read something the other day that said “The thing about being in love with fictional characters is that you know it is never going to happen because they are not real people. But when you love a celebrity, you know it is not going to happen but in the back of your mind you still think “well maybe it will”. And if that is not a case to read more books then I don’t know what is.”

Well this week’s Unattainable Crush is for the latter group, the ones who are obsessed with those good looking celebrities and always hold the slightest of hopes that they might miraculously meet and fall instantly in love. Well, here’s to hoping…


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